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Worried for its future, the younger generation demands immediate action

課題記事 1


東京外国語大学 学部3年 M.S.

Climate change is an imminent threat to the younger generations, not to mention future generations. The activists who stand up to raise their voices do so not merely out of moral conviction; they do so out of legitimate concern for human lives. Realizing this has changed my perspective of climate change and activists demanding justice. Before reading this article, I believed climate change to be a substantial issue yet considered it distant. Further, I thought it was remarkable how young activists were hardworking and enthusiastic, yet also felt that many activists were only angry and blamed adults rather than considering all people responsible. However, the realization that these activists act on a specific purpose, to prompt governments to take action urgently to face the emergency of climate change, shifted my thinking. Reading this article taught me the following three things. Climate change is undoubtedly an urgent global crisis that threatens our very lives. Second, while none may claim they are not responsible for climate change in any way, governments are representations of their people and certainly carry much responsibility in dealing with this crisis, especially considering the power and influence they hold. And finally, these activists are not angry teenagers; they are young citizens of the world fighting for a safe environment to live within. As thousands of activists have taught me through one article, we can inspire others by speaking up. We, those of younger generations, must stand up for our future.


Osaka University Freshman J.S.

大阪大学 学部4年 安井春来

China's tech job applicants seek tutors as competition heats up

Candidates pay up to $3,000 for tips to pass interviews

課題記事 2


What came to my mind after reading this article is that everything is getting too competitive. I believe that, even though it might seem like the demand and supply are matching, it creates more burden for job applicants regarding something not related to the actual work that the job involves. As mentioned in the article, job-hunting coaches “focus on getting candidates through an interview and getting a job offer, rather than teaching the skills actually needed for the job”. I suppose that the presence of these job-hunting coaches, in parallel with the growing popularity of the internet industry, makes the job-hunting process unnecessarily competitive. Simultaneously, I figured that this kind of phenomenon is also seen outside the job-hunting world. For instance, education, which is my academic interest, has long been known to be notoriously competitive in China. As a result, China finally announced restrictions on private tutoring that trains students for university entrance exams, in order to loosen the competition and reduce the burden on students. However, I was surprised to know that Chinese parents are now reportedly sending their children to private P. E. tutors, as students’ physical skills account for some part of school entrance competitions. With these competitions happening around the world, I simply cannot stop feeling that the competitiveness has gone too far. I strongly believe that it is beneficial to change the society a little bit so that people can stop competing too much, and instead focus on what they are truly passionate about.

お茶の水女子大学 学部3年 柴田佳乃

Osaka University Senior H.M.

Uniqlo owner aims to use 50% recycled fabrics by 2030

Casualwear brand outlines plans to achieve 2050 net-zero goal

課題記事 3


大阪大学 学部2年 Y.D.

「ファッション産業は世界で2番目に環境を汚染している産業である」 ファッション産業ではファストファッションが主流になっており、その代表の1つがファストリテーリングが運営するUNIQLOである。 ファストリテーリングは昨年末に環境にやさしいものづくりをすると発表し、具体的には素材工場を巻き込んだ取り組みやサプライチェーンの見直し、素材の再利用などにより、それを達成するということだ。ファッション産業の主導的企業であるだけに、どのように環境に配慮したモノづくりを実行できるかは産業全体の方向性にも関わってくる。 このような方向を目指すときには何かしらの犠牲が必要である。これまでUNIQLOは安く、シンプルで良い商品を特徴としてきた。そのうちまず犠牲にする候補の1つは値段であるが、最近その予兆を感じる。数年前から有名デザイナーとのコラボ商品に力を入れている。過去にもそのコラボはあったようだが、少し高くてより良い商品を提供するUNIQLOの新しいイメージを定着させようとしているように見える。 UNIQLOは大学生で着ている人も多いだけに、今後どのような展開を見せるかに注目したい。

東京工業大学 学部2年 Y.N.



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